CLWP-instructions.txt # Copy the three files from your 2nd USB drive to the documents folder and work from there! # Paste your new public withdrawal wallet address here! --> # Open the terminal and copy and paste each line followed by Enter (Linux) cd '/home/ubuntu/Documents' tar -zxf ethdo-1.27.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz tar -zxf offline-preparation.json.mainnet.*.tar.gz cp offline-preparation.json.mainnet offline-preparation.json # now that ethdo is running and your offline file is ready. Edit the command below with your twenty four word mnemonic originally created when the node was activated, and your new consensus layer withdrawal address then run the command. #This will run a script that checks every node in the offline-preparation.json list until it finds your node. The resulting "change-operation.json" file will be cryptographically generated and the only code still unencrypted is the public wallet address. It is very important that you again verify that the withdrawal wallet address is correct - if it's incorrect, then delete the .json file, and run the command again (./ethdo validator credentials set --offline..) with the correct address to create a new .json file. You cannot edit the withdrawal wallet address in the .json file directly, as the signature will no longer be valid! ./ethdo validator credentials set --offline --mnemonic="your twenty four word seed phrase goes here" --withdrawal-address=0xY0UR4dressG0esH3re00000000007ffA7201727B6C # Lastly clear the terminal history history -c # Your document folder should now contain a file "change-operations.json" repeat this operation for each node and make sure the files are kept separately in folders and renamed with each node ID for example 123456.json # Note: Make sure you copy your .json files back to the 2nd USB drive before you power down Ubuntu or once powered down these files will be lost forever and you will have to start again! #If your resulting .json file code resembles the format below you know your node was found and your CLWP set withdrawal command was performed correctly. Double check the "validator index" is correct and triple check the "execution_address" is correct, because when this goes live on chain there is no way to change this address ever again! change-operations.json [{"message":{"validator_index":"1234567","from_bls_pubkey":"0xa83acb5c8f56c7baba357778df7ab318819964a206f52408a0532db4a0b688619569041539a80929889beac5c7da6bc2","to_execution_address":0xY0UR4dressG0esH3re00000000007ffA7201727B6C"},"signature":"0xaeeb1587ff4b5dabb541d91889ab18c9be54680fe52f76d219f07be9544091c101b5fcc07d41d9ea6c236e2917c5ff9f128d238a4fdfc7b28ee7707f4fc5677df96ff039a68720bf2ea6410ae624f008357a24d7ca8cc0d37d253bb77caf4ee3"}]